Monday, September 8, 2008

suprise lillies at my birfeeders

Vicki here again, to talk about a unique lily that I have growing all over my yard. I know you've seen them, They aren't unique because they are rare but because they pop up so fast. They have many different names, Suprise Lily, Spider lily, and some people call them August Lily, Well here in Indiana they rarely wait until August to bloom, So I call them suprise lillies. I love the patch around my hummingbird feeder.

They start as big bulbs,and I do mean big, about as big as your fist if grown separately, and that's a big if because they spread and clump together fairly fast for lillies, I wish my orientals did it that fast. anyways they are the first to come up in the spring, and look like daylillies as far as
the greenery goes except they are a little darker and have round tipped leaves, They don.t bloom now, you have to be patient, The greenery dies,leaveit til it dries up,thats what feeds the bulb.I suggest puting a statue behind it or maybe a garden sign, So you don't foget where it is and plant somthing else there,a good month or more later,You'll forget about it and then bang, overnight it will popup, Suprise! That's why I prefer that name. Check out the picture. These weren't here the day before! Now that.s fast. More tomorow.......

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