Well it is the end of summer, Most of your plants are done blooming and are drying up. So get out your garden toolsand roll up your sleeves it's time to divide those plants that are getting too large or those plants that you simply want more of. You'll need a sharp shovel, and maybe agood sized sharp knife. taking care to dig far enough away from the plant, so as to not cut into the roots, dig down in at least two places before prying up if it doesn't give easily dig the rest of the way around the plant before pulling it out of the ground some roots go pretty deep. place the plant on news papers and start carefully crumbling the soil away from the root ball, some roots can be seperated by pulling them apart, others will need to be sliced in sections with either the shovel or the knife. hostas and lilies usually will need to be divided with a sharp shovel. Don't worry it wont hurt them. Replant them, water them, and next year they will grow along with the others. Several plants can be done this way.It really helps increase your garden plants or give them to friends and family as special gifts. That is how I recieved some of my plants. After a few hours of dividing plants I'm always ready for a long rest on my swing. I wish I had a hammock to take a nap in, that would be better. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Not So Lousy Bird Walk
I always try to teach the importance of nature to my kids but it’s tough
at times competing with today’s distractions. I’m not sure who, or how it
came a...
12 years ago
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