Over the years I've noticed a lot of birds you don't normally see very often in Indiana. I'm not sure why they are migrating here, But I'm glad to see them. I love to see new things,but it's nice if other people see them too.
I am always scannig the area for wildlife while we are going somewhere, That's one of the nice things about living in the country.One of the birds I see more of are the Blue Herons. My husband thought I was nuts the first time I spotted one standing in the middle of a creek by our house. I told him that there was a long legged bird in the creek just standing there, his reaction was yeah right, too much sun for you today, Better lay down and take it easy for a while. Well I guess I can't blame him, We don't have birds like that in Indiana. (Or do we?)
Before too long, I started seeing more of them, after about 5 or 6 sightings by me , he finally caught a glimpse of one. He could no longer say I was crazy.
Blue Heron are rather odd looking birds, and it's hard to believe that they can fly with those long legs and neck, but they do. They fly over my back yard ocasionally now, probably going to one of the ponds on either side of our property. I wish one would come to one of my birdfeeders or birdbaths so I could get a good picture of it. Now I am crazy, Or am I?
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