Today I would like to tell you about a (new)(old), oddity I started growing in my vegetable garden. A real sweet older lady at a church in a small town close to us, gave me these seeds. She said they are called plum granny's. O.K. I couldn't believe I hadn't ever seen one. My family has been avid gardeners for many years. Well my Dad says he can remember that my Mom use to like them, but can't really recall growing them. Well ,I'll try anything once, In fact I like to grow and taste new and unusual things. I was told to plant them like I would cantaloupe. So I did.
Indiana's weather was terrible for gardens this year. My garden was flooded 3 times and the last flooding was followed by higher than usual temperatures. I lost a lot of things that were grown by seed, and everything else was so far behind and not as nice as they should be. I lost all of my yellow Zucchini that my family loves fried. I always grow more than enough of everything so I can pass them out to friends and family. Last year I had so many tomatoes and cucumbers that I took some to the local food pantries also. They were very happy to get them. Well my Plum Granny melons grew o.k. I have a lot of rabbits and raccoons and other creatures that like to help themselves to my garden. Last year I had an owl statue and a wind wheel to scare them off. It didn't work. This year I had to make a fence out of poultry netting. So far, so good.

Any way, the nibbling has been reduced to a minimum. They didn't seem to bother my newest experiment plant The plum Granny to me tastes kind of like a cucumber, cantaloupe mix but not very strong flavored. Those of you ,who like both, will love it. Give it a try. It must be a vigorous grower since it survived this years weather,when most of my plants didn't make it.
You can find the seeds on the Internet, try putting heirloom seeds in the search bar. Then each year you can save the seeds, they are loaded with them.
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