I Remember PawPaws
One hot day when the air conditioner was on the fritz I was just sitting in mygarden swing.Watching the birds at my feeder and listening to the soothing sounds of the water in my fountaingurgling, I was thinking of when I was a kid, way back when, (so my kids say) , Hot days didn’t seem so hot . In fact I rather enjoyed them, Especially when my sister and I were out of school. We had some memorable, happy, adventures. One being paw paw hunting with my dad. Not pa paw (grandpa) We always knew where he was. Nor is it those little white bearded guys in the woods, Those are gnomes. For those of you many who have never heard of Paw paws, They aren’t a wild animal that we are looking for, but a fruit that used to be found in the woods all over Indiana, as well as other States. They are still around, but not as easily found. Paw paws Mmmmm, now that’s something I haven’t had for a while. They were so good! Not very pretty but real tasty, Everyone has a different take on the flavor, I think they taste like a cross between a banana and custard. We use to love them so much that my sister and I would eat as many as we could before we got back to the car, We never worried about things like washing fruit like you have to today. Such fun!, except once when I didn’t care if I ever seen another Paw Paw in my life, I’ll never forget it as long as I live.
We had a fool proof way of paw paw hunting. We’d send the big guy into the woods first. That way if there was anything in there that growled, snarled, or flat out attacked, Dad,(Our hero) would scare it away. If not my sisters scream would give it the fright of it‘s life. I know it did me. Any way we were in our usual lineup, Dad first, my sister, Then me bringing up the rear. Well nothing eventful happened for a while then I heard a lot of buzzing and my sister complaining about the bees that were sometimes a part of the game.
We always ignored them and left the fruits alone that they had claimed ,they were usually too ripe anyways. Even though my grandma thought they were best when they’re almost black. Any way after avoiding a patch of poison ivy, I looked up in time to see a big swarm of bees coming right at me, from a paw paw my sister had just stepped on, I screamed, (big mistake)But who would have thought they would fly into my mouth too? Bees aren’t very choosy on where to sting a person. I received a total of 102 bee stings according to my Dr. who counted them as he put medicine on them one at a time, Some of them in some very embarrassing areas, but by that time I didn’t care, I couldn’t even count or tell you my name, I was so miserable for days. Needles to say I gave up paw paw hunting. I think I’ll stick to watching the birdfeeders in my garden it’s a lot safer. I’ve heard that the farmers markets and grocery stores may soon be offering paw paws to their customers at a whopping $8 to $10 a pound. Whoa! That’s pricey, Oh well, I guess I’ll have to accept the idea that unless I grow my own, Paw paws to me, will be the forbidden fruit.
Written by Vicki Danford
All Gone to the Birds
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