I love it when we get new stuff in. Because I probabbly see it in a different light than most people do .I know it means there's a lot of work to do,Well thats o.k. with me, I don't mind the work. I like to see all the new things because It helps me plan and decide what I'm going to do in my garden next year. Some people plant and figure whew, I'm glad that's done. Not me I think, well O.K. now what do I change or redecorate. That's what I do. I love to change things and make them stand out, or look better. Inside and out, I like an everchanging palette of color and design. Every room needs a theme. My husband doesn't understand that theory, He would put a painting of a victorian Garden with a beautiful fountain and birdhouse with white gingerbread trim, in the same area as a picture of Indians going downstream in a canoe. I'm serious. He would. But then he is a he.(need I say more?) There are a few men out there that have enough taste to decorate,and to the women who have one I say, count your blessings some of us have husbands that still can't pick out their own clothes, let alone decorate a house.

Anyway, We have some new birdhouses, birdfeeders, windchimes and other things you would expect and a few you wouldn't, One that I'm particularly pleased about is a toadhouse. I have been looking for them for a while so I can add them to my inventory, and this one is a start. I am also going to start on some hand painted items soon. It's been a while since I've painted statues but hopefully it's like one of those falling off a bicycle things, Ya think??? I hope. Don't expect much. I'm getting old and some things just don't work like they use to. Oh by the way, I've started a Squidoo and the birdlady was already taken. I'll let you all know later what my lens will be called.
the birdlady By the way the picture is the new toadhouse
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