Bald Eagles and other wonders
As you know I live in Indiana and there are a lot of different birds here. Did you know that Indiana does have Bald Eagles? At one time the bald eagle was considered an endangered species and I in danger of extinction. A lot of people have seen bald eagles in Indiana, sadly, I am not one of them. I intend to some day. I have seen plenty of hawks and Blue heron, They are truly amazing, But seeing a bald eagle would make me very happy. Even happier if I happen to have my camera with me. Most of them have been in January and February.
Living out in the country, we see a lot of animals, raccoons, deer, turtles, frogs, rabbits, opossum and of course cats horses, cows pigs and lots of chickens. I wouldn’t have it any other way I love animals and would hate to live in a big city where you have to go to the zoo to see any animals. But then again they get to see dolphins, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, camels and other nice animals too. But I don’t have to pay to see them. Sometimes I have to get them out of my trash cans. Or chase them out of my vegetable garden. But that’s o.k.