Well today is the first of February, and it looks like the North Pole here where I live. White stuff every where that you look. It's very pretty where it's undisturbed but so sloppy and nasty looking where it has been tromped through. I don't mind the snow at Christmas time but I would prefer it to be gone shortly after Santas arrival, is that so selfish of me? I hear that we have more snow coming soon, I guess that the 1 foot from the last snow just wasn't enough, We have to have more.
The two pictures below are the same spot in my garden. (which do you prefer?)
It's hard to believe that just a short time ago my gardens looked so beautiful with my l
ilies all blooming and
the Black Eye Susan threatening to take over the whole bed, with the birds happily feeding at my birdfeeders during the day, and the Frogs croaking all night long. My goose statue has traded in her bikini and sun hat for a blanket of snow. Everything looks so bare and abandoned, most of my garden decor stored away for the winter. The real animals are also scarce, off hiding in the snow covered bushes somewhere, no doubt. I have seen rabbit tracks in the snow leading to the barn and some unidentifiable tracks leading towards the fields. I feel sorry for all of the wildlife having to endure these cold temperatures and all of this nasty white stuff. I bet they are hungry.

Maybe if I start some plants in pots it will chase away these winter time blahs. But I'll have to trudge through the snow to get my greenhouse out of the barn and set it up in the garage. One of these days I'm going to get a real greenhouse with a good heater. But for now my tiny portable one will have to do. I also need to get a heater for my birdbath, so the birds can have water during the cold months. Who am I kidding, what I really need is a bigger yard.
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