With winter drawing to a close (hopefully,) It’s time to start planning ahead on the best way for you to p

repare for the birds that you want to attract to your Yard and garden are

as. They will be here soon, and it’s a good idea to be ready for them. Thinking first along the lines of
birds that are anxious to start nests for the upcoming arrival of the eggs that will result from their much anticipated mating. Some species like to use
birdhouses if they can be found. Some prefer
trees or bushes. Some find the strangest places imaginable to build their
nests . I like to make sure that I have all of the necessities ready for the
birds, and I think they know that in my yard they can count on food, water and shelter. So I never have a shortage of birds to watch in my own yard. It is too early for the
hummingbirds to return, I will watch closely for them, so that when they do get here I can put out their
feeders too. I keep hoping that they will build a nest where I can see it, but so far I haven’t been lucky enough to find one.

Birdhouses come in many styles, Some even chosen for a particular breed of
bird that you want to attract, Most of my birds don’t follow any certain rules. They just check them

all out and pick one they like

best, Of course they do (just like humans,) prefer a good location. They like to be sheltered, and in close proximity of food and water. One thing for you to consider however is the distance from the birdhouses and your bedroom windows, Birds can be very noisy when they are nesting and very early morning hours are among the loudest, especially when there are babies, wanting their breakfast. I have a lot of house wrens and the little males make quite a racket form
sun-up to sun-down while they build the nests, each trip to the bird house withnesting materials is followed up with very loud singing to announce to the soon to arrive females and intended mates, that the building has begun. I like to hear and see those tiny birds, so I don’t mind the noise.
I use birdhouses with varied sizes of openings so I can accommodate many different breeds, They

also have varied tastes, But as long As I put them at different heights, and in

many places I have no problems with them being filled to capacity. I also take the perch off of most of them, its usually not necessary and helps to protect them from predators. Once your birdhouses are in place, you can sit back and wait for them to attract a soon to be mamma bird. If you’ve never watched the caring and feeding of baby birds, you are in for a treat. One of these days I hope to get bird cams in my some areas, but until then I’ll just have to be content to watch them with my
binoculars, when they are too far away to see them.
Happy birdhouse hunting!
The birdlady Click here for more
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