The birds that have returned in hopes to start nesting early, are now huddled in the trees all fluffed up to protect themselves from the cold. For a few days I could hear them singing and chirping away, flying here and there checking out the feeders, trees and bushes. Searching out potential mates and nesting areas. All of the excitement has stopped, the birdhouses that were so feverishly being stuffed full of twigs and grass are now sitting there looking abandoned and the sounds have vanished from the air, once more things are still, silent and very cold.
Mother nature has fooled us again. She entices us with a promise of warmer temperatures and sunshine, only to take it away again, what a tease.
It is now the best time to start our seeds indoors. The few days of nice weather giving us the incentive to plant and be ready for spring, It will be here eventually. This Hoosier will be ready, with garden tools in my hands and healthy plants at my feet already looking forward to that first ripe tomato that makes it all worthwhile.
the birdlady
1 comment:
It won't be long and we'll be outside enjoying the warm sun and probably wishing for cooler days:) But for now I can dream of the warmth I guess. Have a great day.
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