Friday, February 27, 2009

Crazy About Frogs

Do you like FROGS? I just love them. They are so cute! You can find all types of frog items on the market, to put almost anywhere. There must be a lot of Frog Crazy people out there in the world today. I must say that I thoroughly understand, I mean whats not to like? They are so cute and fun to collect too. I don't really have a frog or toad collection, but I do have a toad town in my front flower bed and many other frog statues all around my yard. I also have live ones in most of my gardens too. Last year the rainy weather where I live was so ideal for the little cuties that my gardens were loaded with them. the sounds coming from my flowerbeds at night were deafening. But that's o.k. because I think they are great and they also eat many unwanted insects and that alone is a big benefit. I keep water and shelter for them. There are toad houses, broken flower pots and shells placed just right so they can hide under them. They have their own area but they don't hesitate to wander around anywhere they want. I do have to rescue them occasionally from things like the dog, the lawn mower, and sometimes even a car when they decide to take a stroll in the driveway. We did have a few casualties last year, One being a very large bullfrog that insisted on inhabiting the mud puddle in my driveway. His mate was rescued and taken to a nearby creek so she wouldn't suffer the same fate.

One type of frog that I had never noticed in this area before, made its appearance in my yard a few years ago. I was hand picking Japanese Beatles off of my ornamental plum tree when one beetle just disappeared, I know it didn't fly off, I would have seen it. So I got a little closer and looked closer at each individual leaf for the undesirable pest and right between my eyes was a tiny little light green frog. He must have eaten the beetle. Well I know a good thing when I see one, He can stay. Upon closer inspection there were 4 more on that one tree. I had never seen them before and have not seen any of them since, too bad they were cute and I can always use the extra help in eliminating Japanese beetles. I guess they were tree frogs.

This year I am going to improve on my toad town, They deserve it. I will be looking for better housing and more decorations. My sign that welcomes visitors to toad town has seen it's better days so I will be replacing it also. They have their own miniature birdbath that is in dire of repair. I'll try to get a picture of it when the work is done. The swimming pool that they have for playing in is a little too small for the amount of toads and frogs that I had last year too, Maybe I'll make them a bigger one. If you need frog items or just want to browse, You are more than welcome to visit my store and look around. You can visit it here . If you have any questions please do not hesitate to E-mail me. I am always willing to help my customers in anyway I can. If you have a toad town I would love to see it. This blog is always open for comments.
the birdlady

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still Winter, So Decorate Inside

Do you have a room that needs a facelift? Or maybe just a little rearranging and a new theme? Sometimes you can just move your furniture around some or maybe trade a few pieces with some furniture in another room, do away with some main decorating features and replace them with something completely different.

This alone can make your space look and feel like a completely different room. One nice feature that can give any room a relaxing feel is an indoor fountain, there are so many options to choose from in an indoor fountain that you can have one anywhere now.
The wall fountains really make a statement when you walk into a room, they are easy to put up and do not take up valuable floor space. They are also fairly easy to maintain as long as you have a little wall space and an electrical outlet nearby you are all set. They operate by an internal pump, recirculate the water continuously, and also serve to help release moisture into the air in dry winter months.

Another way you can go is a floor model fountain, they are self-contained and also have a built in pump, which usually runs on electricity. Some of them do not take up much space and also come in several different themes.

If you don’t have much space, you can always try a table or desktop model. They still lend a relaxing aura to the room and can be purchased in many different styles. However if you really want to make a bold statement I suggest a floor model. Pick an area that you would like to improve on or change all together. Then decide on which type will be best for you. You are welcome to visit my store at to browse the indoor / outdoor fountains to see the many different fountains that are available.

When you put some plants real or fake, in a room, a fountain and some earthy decorating touches here and there, maybe a large mirror directly across from your new fountain and a nice nature print on another wall, some large throw pillows, or whatever you want. You have a completely different room that can be enjoyed by the whole family, with little effort at a low sticker price too. Try it, you can do it.
the birdlady

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bird Watching? Are You Prepared?

Look, Up in the sky, Is that a plane?, Is that Superman? NO, It's a big beautiful bird, and I have no way to see it better or take it's picture. Does this sound familiar to you? I know it does to me.

A few days ago While driving down a country road minding our own business, my husband and I were treated to the sight of a beautiful hawk flying just above the windshield of the car for a few mind blowing seconds. I was awestruck and couldn't get my camera aimed in time to capture it on film before it was out of what my viewfinder is capable of. I was very disappointed to have missed what could have been a wonderful shot of that magnificent bird.

A birdwatcher must be prepared. There have been many times that I have seen a rare or unusual bird, animal or even beautiful scenery that I would have loved to get a closer look at and better yet take a photo or two of, but I am never prepared. I find myself wishing that I could capture a good nature shot on film and share it with the folks on the Internet who have posted great photos themselves for everyone to enjoy, some of them are utterly breathtaking. But I have never invested in the proper equipment. Oh sure I have a pair of binoculars and a camera, but they aren't great.

I know that the equipment that birders and photographers use can be very expensive. I am just an average nature lover and by no means an expert in either field, but I do like to observe and take nice photos too. So I have decided to do something about it. I have my eye on a new product that I carry in my store that will solve both of the above problems. I am placing it on my wish list and making it known to my hubby, I have a birthday coming up, and it's a big one, Just never mind how big. But if I hint around enough maybe he will buy it, Oh who am I kidding? My husband doesn't get hints and wouldn't notice one if he sat in it. I'll have to try a more direct approach. So here it is. Maybe he will read my blog.

These new digital binoculars are a great idea and not too terribly expensive. They allow you to get a close up view of your target and capture it in a photo. They will take a memory card, come with a disc for your computer and have many other features that make them the ideal item for any nature lover. I won't bore you with the details. If you want to check them out further click here. But I think they are great. If you already have a good camera, I also carry other nice binoculars in stock you can check out that will bring the action up close and personal.

I don't know about you but the next time I see something that will make a great photo. I'll be prepared. Now if I can just get my mind to function long enough to take a picture instead of standing there staring at it thinking WOW! I'll have a lasting memory of it, like a nit wit.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It is cold again today, The warmer temperatures of yesterday disappeared, The few days of springlike weather gone again. Us Hoosiers disappointed once more that spring will not be here for at least a little while longer. You get used to it.

The birds that have returned in hopes to start nesting early, are now huddled in the trees all fluffed up to protect themselves from the cold. For a few days I could hear them singing and chirping away, flying here and there checking out the feeders, trees and bushes. Searching out potential mates and nesting areas. All of the excitement has stopped, the birdhouses that were so feverishly being stuffed full of twigs and grass are now sitting there looking abandoned and the sounds have vanished from the air, once more things are still, silent and very cold.

Mother nature has fooled us again. She entices us with a promise of warmer temperatures and sunshine, only to take it away again, what a tease.

It is now the best time to start our seeds indoors. The few days of nice weather giving us the incentive to plant and be ready for spring, It will be here eventually. This Hoosier will be ready, with garden tools in my hands and healthy plants at my feet already looking forward to that first ripe tomato that makes it all worthwhile.

the birdlady

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Little Male Wren

In an earlier post I told everyone about a little male Wren that returns to my yard every spring, Well he's back. I have named him Adonis, It suits him well because he is a very handsome and romantic little guy, working for several days building nest after nest and singing at the top of his lungs continuously to let his mate know he has begun preparing a home for her to return to and begin their first family of the season. He is such a faithful little guy, and even helps feed the babies until they leave the nest in time for the wrens to mate again and raise their second and last family for the season.

Adonis has already built two nests that I know of in the front yard, But this year not only is he starting early, but he is overdoing it a bit. He has made the hole in my gourd birdhouses a lot larger than they were, and stuffed them way too full. This is usually the case but this year they are extra full. I don't know if the female will like the larger entrance he has made, I guess we will find out. Last year his usual mate did not return, maybe that is why he's starting early this year. I am confident that he will find a new love because he has great since of family values. Most male wrens build the nests and disappear after mating, leaving the female to hatch the eggs and tend to the babies while he entices another mate to one of his previously built nests. Not Adonis he stays with the one mate all season and helps her through both mating periods. He is always looking for tasty bugs to feed his young and brings it back to the nest, singing to let his mate know he has returned with food, she won't let him in while she is there but he goes in as soon as she leaves to find food for the babies too. He passes out the food and pops out of the birdhouse and sings again to let her know he is leaving to find more food and she returns herself, they take turns like this all day long. No wonder she returns every year to him. He is a very faithful little guy.

Sometimes Adonis will bring his babies a tiny white worm that they apparently do not like the taste of and he has to take it back, I see him do this over and over, as if he thinks that they may eat it eventually, I don't understand, if he likes those little white worms so much why he doesn't eat it himself, but No, he always takes it back where he got it. Hmmmmmm, Strange little guy. Maybe it's a birds equivalent to spinach, (good for you but, nasty tasting.) Oh well there are many more bugs where that came from. He perches on the shepard's hook that holds my hummingbird feeder singing out a loud sharp song and dives into the plants, He definitely helps to keep the bug population down in my gardens and can always be seen hopping around the flower beds searching for food to Feed all of those hungry babies. He has earned his place in my garden.
I guess, I'll have to grow some more gourds this year to make them some new houses. The only one he hasn't messed up is the one I left natural and just put a protective coating on it, He prefers them painted and decorated. See, I told you he is very romantic. I don't mind making him more houses. If he attracts a new mate this year I will call her Aphrodite. I hope she chooses one of the nests he has built close to the house so I can see it well. I have lost my binoculars, I guess I had better find them, after all it's almost SPRING. YEAH!!!!!!!
the birdlady

Thursday, February 12, 2009

In my last post we discussed how to prepare for the birds by first making sure they have birdhouses to nest in. The next step to ensure that the birds will visit your garden and stay close is a water feature. Birds like all living things need water to survive so we have to provide it for them. There are many ways to incorporate water into your garden theme, Let's explore some of the options that are available to us. This is not a decision you should rush into, Some water features are a little bit harder to maintain than others, and some are also more permanent features than others are. So weigh your options first, The possibilities are endless, and there are many things to consider first. Space available, maintenance, proximity to spigot, power supply, installation process, and location it will be in.

First let's discuss the easiest option, THE BIRDBATH Every gardener should have a birdbath or two. They are easy to maintain, Easy to install, can be moved, No power supply is needed, They don't take up much space, and there are many styles to choose from. Set up is simple, First buy one , put it where you want it and add water. Simple, Right? Well not quite, they do need cleaned occasionally, changing the water everyday or using a mosquito dunk is suggested, and depending on your location, you may have to take it in during the winter. But it is the easiest and quickest solution. I have several birdbaths and can always use more, I usually don't have to change my water but I do have to fill them everyday because my birds usually empty them by drinking, bathing, and playing in them.

Fountains are another nice way to furnish the birds with a fresh supply of water at all times, You don't have to worry about mosquitoes because the water is moving and will not stagnate either.

You do have to have a power supply close if your pump is electric, taking care not to let the pump run without water. They do need cleaned out occasionally, but that is easy. It's not very hard to move them either. The biggest problem you will have is deciding which one that you like the best.

There are SO many to choose from. Many types, Styles, and sizes too. Tall fountains of course would look better with tall plants and there are shorter one for plants that grow close to the ground or don't get too tall. If you have a wall in your garden or want to build one, they have very nice wall fountains you can use just for that purpose. The choices again, are endless.

If you cannot decide maybe I can help you, Such as, Do you have a theme in your garden? They come in many themes also, a few being frogs, angels, dolphins, cherubs, children, Buddhas, almost any animal you can imagine, even dragons, gnomes and fairies. I hate to say it again but The choices are endless.

If you can find a fountain that is exactly what you want the hard part is over. The birds love them and soon they will enjoy your choice as much as you do, They make a nice relaxing sound and are so beautiful to watch. I'm sure you will enjoy taking a break from your gardening chores and resting near your new fountain, where you can see and hear the beauty that it will bring to your garden for many years to come.
the birdlady

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Plan Ahead To Attract The Birds / Birdhouses

With winter drawing to a close (hopefully,) It’s time to start planning ahead on the best way for you to prepare for the birds that you want to attract to your Yard and garden areas. They will be here soon, and it’s a good idea to be ready for them. Thinking first along the lines of birds that are anxious to start nests for the upcoming arrival of the eggs that will result from their much anticipated mating. Some species like to use birdhouses if they can be found. Some prefer trees or bushes. Some find the strangest places imaginable to build their nests . I like to make sure that I have all of the necessities ready for the birds, and I think they know that in my yard they can count on food, water and shelter. So I never have a shortage of birds to watch in my own yard. It is too early for the hummingbirds to return, I will watch closely for them, so that when they do get here I can put out their feeders too. I keep hoping that they will build a nest where I can see it, but so far I haven’t been lucky enough to find one.

Birdhouses come in many styles, Some even chosen for a particular breed of bird that you want to attract, Most of my birds don’t follow any certain rules. They just check them all out and pick one they like best, Of course they do (just like humans,) prefer a good location. They like to be sheltered, and in close proximity of food and water. One thing for you to consider however is the distance from the birdhouses and your bedroom windows, Birds can be very noisy when they are nesting and very early morning hours are among the loudest, especially when there are babies, wanting their breakfast. I have a lot of house wrens and the little males make quite a racket form sun-up to sun-down while they build the nests, each trip to the bird house withnesting materials is followed up with very loud singing to announce to the soon to arrive females and intended mates, that the building has begun. I like to hear and see those tiny birds, so I don’t mind the noise.

I use birdhouses with varied sizes of openings so I can accommodate many different breeds, They also have varied tastes, But as long As I put them at different heights, and in many places I have no problems with them being filled to capacity. I also take the perch off of most of them, its usually not necessary and helps to protect them from predators. Once your birdhouses are in place, you can sit back and wait for them to attract a soon to be mamma bird. If you’ve never watched the caring and feeding of baby birds, you are in for a treat. One of these days I hope to get bird cams in my some areas, but until then I’ll just have to be content to watch them with my binoculars, when they are too far away to see them. Happy birdhouse hunting!
The birdlady Click here for more birdhouses

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don’t Close Your Eyes Today

It feels almost like spring today! The temperature is warmer than it has been lately. It’s 52 out now and supposed to climb to a whopping 60 degrees before the days end. WOW!. I know better than to get used to it though, after all, it is Indiana and anyone who has lived here can tell you, if you don’t like the weather now, just close your eyes for a few minutes. Some even say it can change in the blink of an eye. All I know is Mother Nature likes to play games with us Hoosiers and has a mean streak a mile wide.

Almost all of the snow has melted and there are puddles everywhere and a lot of water standing around. The birds are checking for food under all of the freshly uncovered ground. The snow can be very hard on the birds and other wildlife that have to forage for food. The creeks have all thawed out and are probably rising from all of the melting that has occurred so fast. If the sun would come out and the drizzle goes away, it would be great!

I guess I should get started on seed starting soon. I also have a lot of clearing winter debris away too. When the ground dries up I’ll get my tools out and a few things that the rain won’t hurt and get started cleaning up. My lawn chairs are one thing to come out first, after all I have to have somewhere to rest occasionally. I need to check all of my planters over for damages that sometimes occur from freezing. Same goes for some of the statues. However, what I consider to be the most important thing to get ready are my birdhouses, the birds won’t wait, if they are ready to build nests and the houses aren’t up yet they will build in places you may not consider appropriate. Sometimes they do anyways but as the saying goes, don’t ask for trouble.
Birdbaths need to be cleaned and filled as soon as the danger of freezing has passed. Right now, some of the birds are using the puddles everywhere but I would feel better knowing they have clean water.

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Garden Helper

For those who do not know me, I am the biggest animal lover that has ever been born. I use to have a very large array of pets but have stopped taking in all of the strays that I find for many reasons one being the cost to raise them and another is, I get so attached to them and can’t handle losing them (usually from age.) I recently had my friend of 17 years put to sleep because she could no longer walk. She was a very smart and loyal companion. As always, I was so upset and had a hard time adjusting to not having her by my side at all times. I decided that was it, NO MORE NEW PETS. I still have 1 small dog and two cats, Once they live out their normal lives I don’t want anymore pets. My husband agreed. So I made this known to my daughter, who is almost as animal nuts as I am. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t afford to take care of them like they deserve, The vet bills are too high and I can’t handle it emotionally when they pass on. Plus I’m getting up there in age myself and I’m starting to worry about what will happen to my cherished pets when It’s my time to go. No More!

Then the inevitable happened, My daughter smuggled in a puppy, It’s only temporary, I’ll take it back if it doesn’t work out, I’ll take care of it myself, I’ll pay all of it’s bills and buy it’s food. All of the usual things were promised, along with I will take it with me when I move out. WELL… She named her Nikki . She was supposed to be a small dog and she was so sweet. She fooled us all.

She turned out to be hell on four legs. Nothing or Nobody was safe from her, She was very hyper and so ornery, all she wanted to do was play and she played rough, She was very bullheaded and when threatened with a rolled up paper would grab it and shred it into a million pieces. Everything was a game to her, When you were mad she thought you were playing. And just get rougher. She chewed on everything in site. The other animals wanted nothing to do with her. After a very short time neither did my daughter. (SURPRISE!)

I refused to get rid of her , I know from experience that sometimes the hardest pups to train are usually, the best dogs when they grow up. She is turning out to be a very good dog. She even helps me in the garden. When I pull weeds she swoops in and grabs them and runs off shaking all of the dirt from the roots, drops it in the yard and comes back for more, Unfortunately she can’t yet determine weeds from plants, and we had to put a fence up around the vegetable garden to keep her from pulling up everything I took so much care in planting. She was very persistent. She gave a new meaning to the phrase “Weed Dog” She also chases the birds away from my plants, She doesn’t allow them in her yard at all. So I have to feed the birds where she can’t get to them, or their stale bread. She will gather all of the bread and bring it back up to the porch to take back inside. Most of the bird feeding is done in the front yard by my bird feeders now.

She use to steal my garden tools when I set them down, just to get me to stop working and play with her, Standing just far enough away from me with my favorite trowel in her mouth, daring me to come and get it. Did I mention, She’s getting very smart? She hates the garden hose and avoids it at all costs. She usually doesn’t bother my decorations, but does like to chase the real frogs and toads poking at them with her nose to get them hopping. Then I do the swooping in to snatch up the live plaything and take it to my front garden, to live in toadtown.

I am looking forward to seeing how she acts this year when its planting time. I may be able to take the fencing down, But probably not just yet. She still likes weeds and is still playful too.
Nikki has calmed down a lot, and she has the whole family wrapped around her paws. Needless to say “ She will be by my side for the rest of her life” I now have 2 dogs and 2 cats. But… NO MORE! My daughter who has just had her 18th birthday, will be moving out before too long and I will be keeping Nikki here. Why? Well she has become a part of the family.