Every gardener watches very closely for the first sign of Spring, There are many differ
ent things to watch for. It can be the first early plants starting to poke through the ground, the leaves starting to bud up on the trees, or the first Robin. Whatever you watch for it is a cherished event for any gardener that is waiting for the long, cold winter to be over. Where I live in Indiana, Winter can be long and brutal. Every year I watch for the return of the Robins. I love the sounds of their happy singing in the trees and seeing them hopping across the ground looking for worms. It doesn't mean that there will be no more snow, but It is a sure sign that Spring is getting close.

Time to start dragging out my garden decorations that have been stored in the shed all winter. I look every th
ing over carefully and replace anything that has seen its better days. It is also a good time to paint and repair things, before the plants start growing. I know my trellises need some painting this year. I have to get that done before they are covered with the vines that they support. One thing I like to get out early is my birdhouses that weren't left out for the winter and clean out any that have left overs of last years nests in them. The birds will be looking for nesting places soon and I want my bird houses to be ready for them, and in move in condition.

Birdbaths need cleaned and or repaired. I'll get my garden hoses out and ready to wa
sh them down and look for cracks or breaks that need fixed. I have a lot to do. A gardeners work is never done. Every nice day is used preparing for the nice weather to return. I also need to get out my pots that will be used for seedlings and clean them before I plant my seeds or plants in them. I have many things planned and I never get them all done, but I every intention to try. I have so many flower beds that I start cleaning them up and work my way from one end of my yard to the other and then start over, It keeps me busy, But I love it.

I also s
tart my veggies in pots at the end of winter, and plan out every square inch of available planting space that I have. As soon as weather permits I get a few in the ground, looking forward to the first tomatoes. I like to plant some a week apart so that I have an endless supply of ripe tomatoes. Now that the temperature is outside is warmer , everyone knows where I'll be. No point in calling the house phone, I won't hear it, don't bother knocking on the front door, I won't answer it, Just look around outside, I'll be here somewhere just look for the garden tools and cart. or better yet, grab a hoe and start weeding, I'll find you.

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