I like to set out nesting materials for them to use too’ such as pieces of string, yarn, paper strips etc. They love Easter grass, and I put some out for them to find easily. Birds put some strange things in their nests, One year when cleaning out birdhouses I found a five dollar bill neatly woven into one of the nests. One nest had a large collection of bread ties in it; you never know what you will find. I put ice cream buckets over light fixtures that I don’t want them to build their nest on and block any holes to places they can’t build in, and make sure my grill is covered , I had a nest in it before , so I learned to keep it covered. The cap on the propane tank is another favorite spot, but we only use the propane to heat with so it does not really hurt if they build in there, they are long gone when we get it filled in the fall.
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I’m going to be replacing a lot of broken or worn out statues and decorations this year, and flat out just want to change some of the ones I’m tired of too.
I order my seeds way ahead of time and start them indoors, soon to be moved to the garage under a plant light or into the little greenhouse that I put out on the back porch.
Yep! Lots to do, plans to make things to buy. I spend a lot of time on the internet finding what I want. Besides Wal-Mart its my favorite place to shop and it’s easier on the feet too.
The birdlady
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