I’m sure all of you have heard the saying “ You are what you eat “ To me that means you need good food to nourish your body. Well the same can be said for nourishment for your mind and soul.” You are what you see.” A beautiful garden can lift your spirits and make you feel better. Have you ever noticed that when the weather is dark and gloomy, You feel gloomy too? Try walking through a garden or sitting on a bench in the middle of one. It not only sweet smelling and nice to look at ,but it soothes and lifts your spirits.
Different ty
pes of gardens can also cause different affects on your mood, such as one with Frogs as a theme or maybe Gnomes can make you feel uplifted and happy. I know when I see fun or silly things, I can’t help but smile. The different gnomes can be hilarious their selves. They even have a mooning gnome. Also their accessories can be fun, doors, windows,
Wishing wells, even an outhouse. Making a gnome village in your garden can be fun too!
You’re only limited to your imagination. Of course you can find anything you want on the internet too.
Frog themed ga
rdens can be fun and make you feel happy too. I personally have a toad town in one of my gardens, Sure it’s silly but I had fun creating it and it’s fun to look for new things to put in it too, and it does serve a purpose too, It has real toads and frogs in it too, as well as statues, one of them is neither real or a statue it is a key hider, for when someone gets locked out. Shhhh! They have their own swimming pool birdbath, houses gardens and other things too. For more ideas try allgonetothebirds.com. I’m going to add an outhouse for them this year. I’m sure some of you are thinking that I’m crazy, I assure you that I am not, Well maybe slightly, but sometimes it takes a little bit of crazy to get by in the world today. Try it and have fun. Remember you’re only limited to your own imagination!
The birdlady
Different ty

Wishing wells, even an outhouse. Making a gnome village in your garden can be fun too!
You’re only limited to your imagination. Of course you can find anything you want on the internet too.
Frog themed ga

The birdlady
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