Hey Baby it's COLD Outside!

Well it's November in Indiana and it's cold out, That's not unusual, But that doesn't mean that I have to like it , Does it? I think I'll stay inside today and do some shopping on line. Aren't we so lucky these days? We can stay at home and shop. Cool huh?
Lets talk Christmas Presents. Do you know what you are going to buy for all of the people on your list? If you do you're probably the only person who's prepared. I haven't a clue as to what I'm going to get for those on my list. Some of them will get a birdhouse or birdfeeder. But I'm thinking of giving some of them hammock chairs.

I think the older kids will love them for their bedrooms. I had always wanted one when I was a teenager, but you couldn't find them anywhere (as my kids say) way back when.

Some of the boys on my list would love the wooden bug house. They like to catch lightning bugs . The bug house would be good for temporarily holding butterflies too, Or frogs and toads. We have a lot of those here,But I have the kids put them in toad town ,in my front flowerbed. That's where all of my frogs and toads live. Well with the exception of one toad that kept hopping all of the way to the back garden every time he was moved. I finally just let him stay there. We also have a lot of lady bugs around here. I think it's because of all of the fruit trees out behind our house.
Some people may get a desk top fountain because there are so many to choose from that I'm sure I'll find one for anyone that is hard to buy for. One thing that I think will make
several people happy is the lighthouse with a solar light. It is so nice. I wouldn't mind having one of those myself. But one thing that I want myself is the hummingbird weathervane. It would look real nice in my garden too.

Well I seem to be getting more shopping done for myself too. Iguess my garden will be full next year. I can't help it, there are so many cute things for my outdoor areas that I get carried away sometimes.
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