You can never have enough hummingbird feeders, Why? Well hummingbirds are very stingy. They chase others away from the feeder that they claim to be their own. They have to eat continuously because they are so tiny and they burn a lot of energy very rapidly. I have seen them share at mating time, only to keep their mate away after mating period is over. That would really tick me off. Most birds are mates for life. I have a pair of hummingbirds that are regulars to all of my feeders, The male particularly likes the one right in the middle of my front flowerbed. He thinks it is his. He even hides in the trees and waits for another hummingbird to dare and infringe on his territory, so he can chase it away. He is very small and dark, it looks like he is wearing a tux, His mate is quite a bit larger and she is more colorful with a red throat and green body with a fanned tail.She is more friendly than he and even circles me and checks me out especially when the feeder is empty.
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