Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Make Your Annuals Last Forever

Saving your seeds from your annuals is a great way to save money and always have a very large supply of your favorite plants. My favorite plants to do this with are Petunias, Moss Rose, marigolds and snapdragons. There are others that I save seeds from after the plants dry up too, and I always have plenty of plants to use as fill ins and to fill many pots and hanging planters. It saves me a fortune every year and sometimes I even have plants and planters to sell for profit. But to be perfectly honest with you there is no such thing as profit because I see too many new plants and decorations when I go to the nurseries that I always end up spending my profit.

Gardening is an addiction ask anyone who has it and they will say that they have a seriously awful hunger to have more and more plants, It can't be helped. If you see bare soil you have to put a plant in it. But of all addictions that one can have, Gardening is by far the prettiest and nicest smelling habit that you can have, so I say, GO FOR IT!

I keep a small decorative flowerpot on my porch and one on my patio, So when I am sitting there watching the birds at the feeders ( my favorite pastime) I plop a planter on the table and start deadheading or pinching seed pods off. The ones that are planted I'll work on when I weed or some may have to wait until blooming is over. Some of my perenials seed up too. I love to gather seed pods from my columbines and they always do great when they are replanted in pots the next year. They also sell well.

You can save your plastic pots that plants come in at the store for new plants next year to save even more money. I also use dixie cups, yogurt containers and anything else I can get my hands on. You would be suprised how fast ideas pop into your head once you have the obsession to grow your own plants. They will be everywhere. Gardeners are also very generous people. They will give you a start of practically any plant that you want. Sometimes without even asking.

In the early spring I take over the garage with my plants and plant lights. My vegetables need a lot of room too. There are plants on tables, chairs, boxes, shelves and even the floor. If my husband pulls the car out to go somewhere, he may not get back in. I work hard planting, then adding accessories such as statues, birdbaths, fountains and other decor, But it's all worth it when the yard is full of beautiful flowers everywhere you look. It can be breathtaking!
the birdlady

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