It's been a long time since I

have posted in my blog, I have been real busy in the gardens and really frustrated with my
website, so I slacked off for a while. All of the gardens have changed a lot. I guess you could say that mother nature has been busy too. It's going to take a while to catch up on my posts. My favorite update is the Gnome Garden. I should have taken some photos as I built my Gnome town, because my
plants have grown so large that they have all but swallowed up my Gnomes.

My favorite feature of Gnome Town is their out-house that my hubby and I built. It's so cute, and very necessary for my gnomes for obvious reasons. My husband really thinks I am nuts when it comes to my gnomes, but they need things too, Right? Actually I do sometimes get carried away with my
decorating, But it's all in fun and a little whimsy goes a long way in making your day a little brighter. So Why not? I am trying to get my
gnomes to do the weeding for me and if they like their new home maybe they will help out with a lot of my garden chores. I am beginning to think one of them is planting the weeds instead of pulling them because they are so bad this year, but I guess it could be because of the rain we have had an overabundance of so far this season. My Gnomes also have a
table with a checkerboard and two
seats, so they have something to do when they are not working. I have other things planned for it and will probably add to it as I find things that they need.
The gnomes have their own garden with
birdbath, and gazing ball. Of corse you know that
garden decor is very essential in my book. They even have a shepards hook with a
birdhouse on it. That is a deffinate must for any garden. I'm sure that I will think of many more things they need.

My husband thinks I've finally fell off the deep end when it comes to my gnomes, But that's o.k. I'm having fun with it and as long as they don't have me committed who cares? Right?
Another post coming soon!
by birdlady